Our customers asked for them — and alhamdulillah, we made it happen.
We went straight to the manufacturer to do a massive, direct import from Pakistan. This means you can get Cheetahs in both colors & more sizes at a much lower price.
So, what are the Servis Cheetahs?
Purchased in bulk for suppliers in both Pakistan and Afghanistan, the Servis Cheetah was renowned as the staple footwear for Taliban fighters — They’re comfortable, have good ankle support and they're cheap to replace too.
With Servis HQ right next door in Pakistan, bulk shoes were easy to come by, and their high quality construction was a bonus.
Allegedly, they were originally used by the Mujahideen fighters in order to make them look more professional. And while 'professional' might not be what you think of when it comes to the insurgent group that wears skate shoes & pajamas into battle… Well, who can blame you?
The sneakers became so ubiquitous with the ongoing Insurgency during the war in Afghanistan that Coalition Forces started to associate the sneakers with enemy combatants.
This is despite the fact the Servis Cheetah proved just as equally popular with both the Afghan citizens and the Afghan Security forces, both on and off duty.
The Taliban tended to prefer the white high top Servis Cheetahs, due to it matching their flag, but the black variants are also quite popular within the Taliban ranks as well.
But Are They Good Shoes?
While durability and sneakers are typically something that don’t go hand in hand, the Servis Cheetahs buck that trend entirely.
Allegedly lasting up to a year of hard fighting insurgent work, this shoe can handle the mileage with minimal maintenance.
How could this be possible? Well, unlike pretty much every option available from N*ke, they’re not made in china, and don’t cut corners for profit. For all of us westerners that walk less than an American mile a day, they'll handle daily wear and tear with ease.
They'll also looking better than a pair of Jordan's for less than the StockX price demands. Even Altama gooner bros punch the air at this cold hard truth.
“Forever War” story short, they’re tactically stylish and perfect for daily wear (maybe not at airports). The next time you show up to your local USPA open match, dressed to the nines in signature Taliban fashion, these shoes will give you 5 in movement but -10 in accuracy.
Underfolder and Scavenged PVS-31s not included.
- Made in Pakistan
- Taliban clone-correct
- Classic high top style
- Premium suede leather toe
- Refined leather exterior
- Athletic Outsole